Où dois-je placer mon code ?


Code JS : 
"use strict";

head.ready( [ 
        "d3", "d3Hello", 
        "jquery", "jqueryui", 
        "qunit", "testsQUnit",
    ], function(){

     * Contruction d'une arborescence avec le plugin dynatree.
    var App = ( function( $, W ){
        var Defaults = {
                "id" : "tree",
                "jsonFile" : "tree.json",
                "debugLevel" : 2 // 0 : quiet, 1 : normal, 2 : debug
            Opts = null,
            jObjTree = null,
            initTree = function initTree(){
                jObjTree = $( "#" + Opts[ "id" ] ).dynatree({
                    "onActivate" : function( node ){
                        console.log( "You activated " + node.data.title );
                         * node.toDict( recursive, callback )
                         * Convert the node into a JavaScript object.
                         * recursive: set to true, to include child nodes.
                         * callback: (optional) function to allow modifications.
                        var tab = [];
                        node.toDict( true, function( dict ){
                            tab.push( [ dict.title, dict.key ] );
                        console.log( tab.join() );
                    "persist" : true,
                    "initAjax" : {
                        "url" : Opts[ "jsonFile" ],
                        "data" : {
                            "key" : "root", // Optional arguments to append to the url
                            "mode" : "all"
                    "onLazyRead" : function( node ){
                            url: "faqlazy.json",
                            data: {
                                "key": node.data.key, // Optional url arguments
                                "mode": "all"
                    "debugLevel" : Opts[ "debugLevel" ]
        return {
            "ready" : function( id, jsonFile ){
                if ( id && jsonFile ){
                    Opts = $.extend( true, {}, Defaults, {
                        "id" : id,
                        "jsonFile" : jsonFile
                } else {
                    console.log( "Vous devez définir les paramètres id et jsonFile." );
    })( jQuery, window );
    App.ready( "tree", "faq.json" );

    if ( debugBool ){
        testQUnitSelector( "faq.js", [ 
        ] );
        testQUnitID( "faq.js", [  
        ] );
Code JSON (faq.json) : 

		"title" : "Item 1"
		"title" : "Folder 2", 
		"isFolder" : true,
		"children" : [
				"title" : "Sub-item 2.1"
				"title" : "Sub-item 2.2"
		"title" : "Item 3"
		"title" : "Folder 4", 
		"isFolder" : true,
		"isLazy" : true
Code JSON (faqlazy.json) : 

		"title" : "Sub-item 4.1", 
		"isFolder" : true,
		"children" : [
				"title" : "Sub-item 4.1.1"
				"title" : "Sub-item 4.1.2"

Tests unitaires avec QUnit.